- Is nerve sex fibroma genetic? Can atavistic? 神经性纤维瘤会遗传么?会隔代遗传么?
- What specific does nerve sex migraine have? 神经性偏头痛有什么特效药吗?
- How does nerve sex toothache alleviate? What should notice? 神经性牙疼怎么缓解?应该注意什么?
- Deaf of auditive nerve sex, doctor diagnose is already deaf, can you cure? 耳朵神经性耳聋,医生确诊已经聋了,能治好吗?
- Kind of what disease is hemal nerve sex has a headache? How to treat? 血管神经性头痛是种什么病?怎么治疗?
- Vaccinal incorrect have an inoculation mentioned expressly to cause nerve sex deaf likely in vaccinal introduction. 疫苗的介绍中写明了疫苗不正确接种有可能引起神经性耳聋。
- Some girls contract disease of nerve sex anorexia, weight drops to certain level, MenstruationStop namely shut. 有的少女患神经性厌食症,体重下降至一定程度,月经即停闭。
- Blood pressure lifts is as a result of skull internal pressure oedema of elevatory, head and nerve sex reflex be caused by. 血压升高是由于颅内压升高、脑水肿及神经性反射所致。
- How to alleviate does nerve sex have a headache? Have good methodological indolence? Painful when what should do to alleviate? 怎么样缓解神经性头痛?有没有好的方法不痛?痛的时候该做些什么来缓解呢?
- Nerve sex is impotent it is to show all sorts of reasons make the penis erects centre and all round nerve is damaged, cannot arise and maintain the penis to erect. 神经性阳痿是指各种原因使阴茎勃起中枢和周围神经受损,不能产生和维持阴茎勃起。
- Nerve sex vomits gratified vomit because of the gender, to not have implement qualitative sex the vomiting that disease breaks out repeatedly consequently, see more atFemale. 神经性呕吐又称心因性呕吐,为无器质性病因而反复发作的呕吐,多见于女性。
- What is nerve root phlogistic? What is medical term? What is main symptom? 什么是神经根炎?医学术语是什么?主要的症状是什么?
- The commonly used therapy of primary trigeminal neuralgia is nerve block. 原发性三叉神经痛的治疗方法以神经毁损术最为常用。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
- It attracts much attention in clinic that whether there is nerve injury induced by collagenase chemonucleolysis (CCN) around the injection sites. 临床最关心的是胶原酶对注射部位周围的神经是否有损伤。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Snake venom activated albumen is nerve poison albumen.It can stimulate the nervous system, dilate the blood vessel, aid circulation. 蛇毒活性蛋白是神经毒蛋白,可刺激神经,扩张血管,促使血液循环;